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Migrants workers (E-9) who have expired visa but are not able to return to home country due to COVID19 can apply for seasonal agriculture work.


Migrants workers (E-9) who have expired visa but are not able to return to home country due to COVID19 can apply for seasonal agriculture work.

When Apply: from 19th. August to 1st. September
Where To apply:
1. Visit job centre
2. https://www.eps.go.kr
3. Email or fax
* not eligible: undocumented migrants, those whose previous visa was E-9-3 or E-9-4
** while working, make sure you are covered by insurance, keep record of work and break time each day. Exchange contact numbers with co-workers.
*** for reality of agricultural workers in Korea (2019.8.12.)

Benefits of participating in seasonal work
ㅇ In case of seasonal work participant, when re-entry after departure ① Special Korean language test Points are awarded (10points) and ② Provides an opportunity to prioritize business sites.

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